Neck Productions — 2020
When Nathaniel Eck reached out to me for developing a website for his company, I quickly began working on it. While the website's design, interactivity, and layout may not have been the best, it gave me valuable experience and demonstrated how much I have grown since then. Neck Productions marked one of my earliest public websites, teaching me a lot about creating a good website. During its development, I strengthened my skills in JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, and Express.js. Moreover, this project familiarized me with the following technologies:
• SMTP Integration
Arcadia Valley Day Camp — 2020 - Present
As I searched for a suitable registration system for the kids' camp I volunteer at every summer, I couldn't find anything that met all our needs. Determined to find a solution, I took on the challenge of developing a fully customized registration website from scratch. The result was the Arcadia Valley Day Camp website, featuring a home page and several information pages, with the highlight being the custom-built registration system.
Neck Productions Calendar — 2022
At the request of Nathaniel Eck, I developed a calendar and booking system for his company, Neck Productions. In this project, I took the opportunity to explore the MERN stack since I had never used React before. The resulting site provides users with the ability to select a time slot and provide their contact information. Once the form is submitted, the company owner will receive an email containing the appointment details, which are also stored in the MongoDB database.
Corebot — 2022 - Present
To provide an online presence for my Discord Bot, Corebot, I took the initiative to create a website from scratch. I began by collaborating with a designer to create an appealing landing page and then proceeded to develop the site. Despite being a continuous learner, I believe that the Corebot website is one of my best works. During the development phase, I applied several technologies that I had used before, but the project significantly enhanced my proficiency in all of those areas.
The websites I have developed have familiarized me with, or enhanced my proficiency in, the following technologies:
• Node.js (4+ years)
• Express.js (3 years)
• Linux (3 years)
• NGINX (3 years)
• HTML, CSS, SCSS, and JavaScript (3 years)
• React (1 year)
• MongoDB (4 years)
• SQL (2 years)
• EJS (4 years)

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