Online Marketplace Product Tracking
Transforming raw data into valuable insights, my project involved tracking the analytics of various products on an online marketplace. By leveraging the marketplace's API, I fetched and saved data on configurable products, including price, reviews, and purchases. The data was processed and sanitized using Node.js and then saved to a local database. From there, the data was sent to a cloud-based Google Sheet document, unlocking limitless opportunities for further data analysis and processing.
Location Data Retrieval and Processing
In late 2022, I embarked on a project to retrieve and process location data for multiple companies. With a creative approach, I reverse-engineered the websites of each company to uncover their backend APIs, enabling me to extract the raw data of their locations. However, the data often required further processing to make it useful. Leveraging Node.js, I implemented sophisticated algorithms to refine and structure the data in various ways, ultimately generating clear, organized CSV files for each company. This project challenged me to use my skills in innovative ways to overcome complex data retrieval and processing challenges.
Customizing Non-Profit Fundraiser: Data Processing and Presentation
I assisted a local non-profit with their fundraising efforts for a new building. Although their chosen platform had limitations in functionality, I was able to leverage my skills to reverse engineer the backend API to retrieve valuable information on donation amounts and goals. I then used this data to perform various custom calculations, such as applying matching funds and incorporating donations pledged outside of the platform. With the processed data, I designed a visually appealing website to showcase their progress and motivate further contributions.

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